February iith. The Wind S. blowing fresh & cold, but dry & generally ·Sunshiny, yet made some rain in the night & freezed a little after wards before day with a pretty great hoar frost: This Day being appointed by Authority to be observed as a Day of generall fasting and humilation for our Sins & to implore the Almighty's Mercies and pardon for our manifold wicked ness & impieties which has provoked God to Visit this nation with two dreadfull calamities at the same time, namely War & a generall scarcity of bread throut the Kingdom, by the first of which the French have alredy disposs'd us of minorca besides severall of our Settlements in Am – – erica & threaten to take from us the rest, & by the second the condition of the poor is become the care & concern of the Legislature to remedy — This day I say was solemny observed here & I hope all the Kingdom over to pray for the Almighty's pardon of our Sins |
i2th. The Wind E. calm sun shiny & very fair all day & not cold: gave is. [1/- sw] to Daniel’Prichard Daniel a poor man & Grand son of Old David late clark of this parish 60years ago· |
i3th. The Wind W. blowing fresh and very cold all day, cloudy and dark, and made some rain about noon, but the rest of the day was dry, but very cold |
i4th. The Wind W. & by N. blowing fresh, very cold & raw weather all day cloudy & dark moaky weather with a mizling rain often this day· |
i5th. The Wind W. N. W. blowing fresh, yet not cold, generally cloudy & dark, but dry all this day· |
i6th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark for the most part, but made little or no rain this day also. |
i7th. The Wind S. & by E. & but little of it, yet cold & very raw weather— cloudy also & overcast all this day likewise but made no rain. |
i8th ●1 [this is written vertically in the margin below '18th', but there is actually a hole in the page where the full moon symbol has been sw] The Wind S. blowing very fresh, dark & overcast yet made no rain all this day neither; Paid Rhŷs Bentir is. 6d. for a hind quarter– of Veal and the head, & Pd. 3d. for fish. |
i9th. The Wind S. blowing moderate, cloudy, dark moaky we^a^ther with a mizling rain frequently in the morning, but the Evening was dry· |
20th. The Wind S. blowing very fresh, cloudy & dark weather but dry all day The Priest preached on Heb: Chap: iith. verse i3th. |