May ist. The Wind NE. fair and dry, but cold & very scorching - the Parson preached on Titus. Chap: 2d. verses. 11. & 12. |
2d. The Wind S.E. calm warm & cloudy in the Morning with a little rain, and a very great dew, from Nine till night Sun - Shiny very warm & Sultry – at the fall of night the wind came to W. and blew cold and fresh, but made no rain. |
3d. [SYMBOL LLEUAD LLAWN The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & something cold, & cloudy withall about 5 in the Evening it made a little rain, but it was soon over. but soon after 8 it begun to rain again, and rained most part, if not all night . |
4th. The Wind S. blowing high and cold, dark and cloudy withal, pd 6d. for Crab-fish; to day I finished sowing Barley, haveing sown but little more than 10 peggets. |
5th. The Wind E.S.E. calm and very hot in the Morning, about 10 it blew fresh, but so hot & Sultry as comeing from an Oven. about i this morning it made a very heavy shower, but of a short continuance, accompanyed with Thunder & Lightning to day I bled all the working cattle, & sent them to Cnewchdernog to grass, being 46 in Number, & 17 being there before makes the Number there to be 63: My Yearlings (in number 18) are as yet at Coydan, I have 13 Oxen grazeing at home in order to be fattened for the Fairs, 7 of which are out_Lyers, and fed upon hay all the Spring, the other 6 are working oxen. I have likewise at home 29 Cows & a Bull, all which, may God preserve & prosper. |
6th. The Wind E. something fresh, very Sultry & hot, but very scorching withall, pd 6d for ale at Hugh Prŷs the Shoomaker by way of a Beveridge on a pair of Pumps I bought there. |