May 27th. The Wind E. very moderate, Sun shiny, fair and dry, yet cold for the season: finished plowing ye pinfold at Coydan & shearing the Sheep to day: pd. Thomas the driver– i4s. 6d. And to Hugh the driver 12s. beîng the remainder of their Winter's wages: pd. also to Sidney Morris 56 shillings being her whole year's wages to the 15th. Instant· |
28th. The Wind N. blowing very moderate,Sunshiny, fair & warm all the day: My people finish'd cutting Peat for Winter fireing. this day· |
29th. The Wind S. blowing pretty fresh and generally cloudy & overcast, yet made no rain all day: Pd. Rhŷs Bentir 16d. for a Side of poor Veal and the head: paid i2s. 9d. i8 yards of Cloath for makeing Sand bags. |
30th. The Wind S. W. and blowing pretty fresh, cloudy dark weather all day, and raining very hard about i in the morning and also about ii. but the rest of the day was dry, but cloudy and dark and windy . pd. 2d. for sewing thread for the Sand bags. |
3ist. The Wind S. blowing fresh all day, especially in the Evening, dark & overcast, and attempted severall times in the Evening to rain, but made very little: Pd. il. 7s. for a Boat load of Red Wharf Sand. |
June ist. 1● [this is written vertically in the margin below 'June ist.' sw]The Wind S. blowing very fresh, Sun shiny & clear sky all day,but very cold for the time of the year, from 10 in the morning till near night, the Wind blew very high and cold: My people are dischargeing two Sand Vessells this day. |
2d. The Wind S. blowing very fresh or rather high, & cold, but sun shiny most part of the day; made some little rain once or twice, butsoon over, and blew very hard all the Evening. |
3d. The Wind S. blowing high and very cold all day, with some intervalls of Sun Shine, but generally cloudy & overcast : pd. 4s. for a pound weight of Bohea Tea. |
4th. The Wind N.W. in the morning, blowing high &stormy and heavy rain from 4 in the morning till 8. the rest of the day was dry, but cloudy & dark for the most part. |
5th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh in the morning,cloudy & dark; the Evening was calmer & warmer with some Sun shine; Paid Robert Hughes the Master of a Sloop from Conway 3L. 3s. for 3 ship loads of Red Wharf Sand containing Six of the long hundreds and 3 quarters of a hundred: Paid Rhŷs Bentir i8d. for a Side of Lamb, and Pd. Margerett uch Hugh Morris is. 9d. for a poor Side - of Veal. |