7th. The Wind E. calm and warm and Sun shiny in the morning & till 4 in the Evening;-afterwards cloudy & overcast the rest of the day: The Priest preached on Ephes: Chap: 5th. & verse 30th. |
8th. The Wind E. & by S. very calm, warm and Sultry all day. very little Sun shine, and the Evening altogether cloudy & overcast with some rain at severall different times: pd. 4s. 6d. for makeing Anna Wright 3 Gowns; & pd. 5s. for Irish flannen to make her under Peticoats, pd.2/1 for Tobbacco, & gave is. [1/- sw] to Mrs. Emma Owen of Marrian a poor decayed Gentlewoman the Mother of 7 Children . |
9th. The Wind S. blowing very moderate, & calm indeed in the morning,close & Sultry with a moist fogg which turned to a small rain for a short – time; the Evening was something cold, cloudy & overcast: Sold to Day Nine Steers to William Jones of LLandegvan Drover; Six for 7 pound ten shillings a piece, and the remaining 3 for 6 pound – a piece to be delivered to him next Saturday at Porthaethwy. |
i0th. The Wind S. very calm in the Morning; cloudy & dark attended — with a mizling rain; it blew a fresh gale in the Evening but not high, & was some thing cold towards night. |
iith. The Wind S. blowing moderate; warm, sun shiny & fair all this day: Paid William Prichard Parry 2s. 6d. for five days ¯¯¯ work in blasting with Gun Powder four Large Stones that lay in the way of the plow at Cae ffrŵd y Wrâch in Bodelwyn and which I have begun to manure with Red Wharf Sand on last Tuesday the Ninth Instant. pd. also 17d.2/1 for 5 Bull Rush Pannels. |
12th. The Wind S. calm, sunshiny, warm & sultry all day: pd. 3s. for a side of Veal and the head. |
i3th. The Wind S. very calm, cloudy, dark weather, but very sultry all day: paid Mr. Thomas Bryan's bill in full, being 3 pounds 7 shillings. |
14th. The Wind W. & by N. but little of it, Sun shiny, fair, warm & pleasant most part of this day.and altogether dry : |
15th. ❍ 6 [this is written vertically in the margin below '15th.' sw] The Wind S . & by W. calm, in the morning; Sun shiny, fair & warm all day: blew pretty fresh in the Evening, was cloudy & dark, yet made no rain all day: Paid Edward Thomas Master of the Betty Sloop of Conway 4L. 4s. for 3 loads of Sand: 360 Measures each load: Paid Hugh Griffith the Tinker 15s. for mending Old Pans, Kettles &c . gave a poor person of LLanelian is. [1/- sw] instead of subscribing to his raffle: |