December 2ist. The Wind N. E. calm, yet cold and raw — cloudy and dark weather all day: pd. 4s. 2d. for Butcher's meat. |
22d. The Wind E.& by S. very calm, dark, cloudy weather all day and all night: pd. Hugh Prys the Shoomaker's bill being one pound 6 Shillings & 6 pence. |
23d. The Wind E. very calm, Sun shiny, fair & moderately warm— till noon; the rest of the day was cloudy, dark and very cold raw— weather. |
24th. The Wind E. & by S. very calm all day, cloudy & dark & very cold – especially in the Evening. & it blew fresh in the night: Distributed accoring to Cousin Wynn of Rhydgroes's will 6s. 8d. to the poor of LLanbadrick; & gave likewise 6s. to 5 objects of Charity in this parish, besides the usual dole of Corn & flesh they had in common with the other poor. |
25th. The Wind E. blowing fresh and very cold & freezing in the – morning, yet generally Sun shiny & clear, the Evening was cloudy & dark and made some rain about 9 at night; gave 6d. to Holyhead Post boy. |
26th. The Wind E. in the morning: it came to S. about noon;all the day was cloudy, dark and very calm and moderately warm; about 9 at night it begun to rain, & rained a great deal dureing – most part of the night . pd. 3d. for fish . |
27th. The Wind E. very calm and warm with a mizling rain – more or less almost all day. |
28th. The Wind S. calm, cloudy dark weather all day; made a great deal of rain from 6 at night till 9 : gave 6d. to Porthaethwy – ferrymen. |
29th. The Wind W· in the morning, came to S. about noon, and blew moderate, a good deal of sun Shine in the morning, & dry all day; but made great rain in the night: pd. 3s. 6d. for 3 pair of Panniers. & gave 6d. to a fidler that played for the Girls. |
30th. The Wind S. & by W. blowing very moderate, cloudy & dark all the morning till i0, when it made a little sunshine, but made severall showers from that time till night, & rained very hard and long in the night . |
3ist. ❍7 [this is written vertically in the margin below '3ist' sw] The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark all the morning about noon I set out for Llysdulas to visit my Brother Lewis |