May 19th. The Wind E. blowing fresh & cold & very scorching. about noon for a week past ( the Sun being then very hott, the Wind blows perfectly hot & burning, so that it not onely dryes up all moisture in the ground, but blasts & burns what-ever grows out of the ground, if not helped by some shelter, or deeply rooted in the ground. |
20th. The Wind variable, changeing about from W.S.W. to N. & so to N.E. calm and warm, and raining a soft still rain more of less all day, & most part of the night, which ( tho it was but soft & little) has visibly refreshed the Earth which was almost burnt. I – planted in the New Orchard 6 rows of Cabbage plants,the first I planted this year, being sowen in the begining of March, the frost haveing destroyed all my Winter plants; the 2 rows next the Beans are English Cabbage, ye 2 next them, Russia Cab= -bage, the 2 next Sugar loaf Cabbage . gave 1s. to Howell Lewis of Trysclwyn who is apprentice to Mr. Henry Parry ye Appothecary. |
21st. The Wind E. again, something cold & dry, but not so scorching as before, pd. 5d for a strong Cooper's knife to prune my trees. |
22d. The Wind N.E. something cold & dry, but not very scorching I bled all my horses this day, & also my Oxen designed for Marke[t sw] [the end of the word is lost in the binding sw] I pd. Richard Wms. Ten Pounds in part of Principall& Intst. I owe him by Bond I gave him the 10th. of Septr. last for 60L. which see an acct. in Pag: 348. |
23d. The Wind S.W. and blowing very hott & Sultry all day, but made no rain; pd. 1s. for White Bread at LLanfechell markett. |
24th. The Wind E. Warm & Sultry, and made severall attempts to rain, but made but few drops afterwards. My people all this Week are employed in repairing wet hedges, and opening ditches & Springs of Water, to be well Suplyed with that very usefull – Gift of God . Some of them were yesterday shearing the Sheep. about night it grew very cold. pd. George Warmingham 10s. of his Wages. |
25th. Whitsunday. [this is written in the margin below '25th.' sw] The Wind E.N.E. blowing high, stormy, very cold & scorching; in the Evening the Wind blew much higher, & grew extream cold, & continued so all night. There was no more than 74 Comunicants this day .pd. 3d. for Ale after Evening Prayer . with ye Parson &c. |