May 26th. The Wind E.N.E. blowing high & stormy,& dark, & cloudy all the Morning, but no rain or dew; about noon it cleared up, and blew a very high Wind, hott and scorching as if it had come from a furnace; SO excessive scorching & blasting hath this Month been, that fruit trees which were kept back from Blossoming (by reason of the great frost in the Winter & the beginning of the Spring ) till the latter End of April were attacked with such Blasts & scorching Winds in this month that it effectu[aly sw] destroyed all the Blossoms in a manner in this part of ye Countrey. as for the Corn & grass, they look frightfull, & the poor Cattle are almost starved. |
27th. The Wind E. moderately calm, and very warm all day; the Evening hott and Sultry; about 7 in the Evening it begun to rain a small rain very gently like dew, & continued so till 9 when it begun to rain more brisk, (but still very calm & warm ) and continued that rain I believe all night. Agreed with Mr. Thomas Morris to pay for the lime and the work, & he to provide hair gravell &c to render all the house of Rhydgroes on the inside under the slates,(he complaining |
28th. The Wind E. raining briskly all the morning a calm, warm rain, and till 2 in the Evening, the rest of the day fair & warm. |
29th. The Wind E. clear & serene, with a fine dew this morning, about 9 it blew fresh, but not scorching, the Evening fair, warm & pleasant. |
30th. 1❍ [this is written in the margin below '30th.' sw] The Wind E. & by N. fair and Sun-shiny and a fine comfortable dew in the morning, all the day warm & pleasant. the Meat at this Markett continues still to be very poor, my people — in the beginning of the week were open of wet ditches, & others of them were carrying home Gorse. |
3ist. The Wind N.E. a great hoar frost this morning & very cold, the day proved clear, sun-shiny and very hott. my Servants employed these two days in cutting of Turf, and others of them are carrying Straw from Coydan to Clygyrog ucha to thatch that house. pd. 2s to Margarett uch Ddavydd for spinning 2 pound of hemp. pd. 3d. for a Cod fish . |