March 3d. The Wind W. & by S. blowing very moderate, Sunshiny fair & dry all day; but the Evening was cloudy and overcast: Gave is. [1/- sw] Charity to a poor bed rid woman disabled by a Palsey. |
4th. The Wind S. W. blowing very moderate, dark cloudy weather all day, yet it made no rain · |
5th. The Wind S.W· calm, dark cloudy weather, yet cold & raw– but continued without rain all day: gave Pyrs 2s. that brought mi 2 Couple of Rabbets· |
6th. The Wind E. blowing fresh in the morning. very cold & muc[h sw] scorching as it was likewise in the Evening. but drying well all day: Pd. Hugh Owen i6th. shillings of his winter's wages, and Pd. is. 6d. for 2dosen harrowing traces of the peelings of rushes |
7th. The Wind E.calm, sun shiny & clear in the morning, & the ground quite white with a hoar frost; grew cloudy about i0, but soon cleared up and the Wind settled at N.W. cold&dry. |
8th. ❍ 11 [this is written vertically below '8th.' sw] The Wind N. E. in the morning blowing fresh & cold with some sunshine, but settled at N. W. in the Evening, and continued dry all day: A pretty full Market to day at LLanfechell, & three Carcasses of Butcher's meat. |
9th. The Wind N.E. calm & raining hard in the morning abt. 6 a clock, and made some showers afterwards and was ex – – ceeding cold all day tho the Evening wasdry. |
i0th. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh and very cold all day; Some Sun – shine, but generally it was dark & cloudy but continued dry;ThePriest preached on Deut: Chap: 6th. verses 6th. & 7th. |
iith. The WindN.E. blowing fresh & accompanyed with severall — showers of hail &feathered snow & exceeding cold all day. |
12th. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh and exceeding cold, scorching and freezing all day, yet was generally Sun shine: gave is. [1/- sw] Charity to a poor sick man to help him pay an Apothecary for what hehad of him. |