February 2ist. The very heavy rain that fell sometime last night brought the wind from S.W· where it blew – yesterday to N. and all this day was sun shiny, fair & pleasant and drying well: gave is. [1/- sw] charity towards burying a very poor child whose parents had nothing to buy it a Coffin |
22d. 4● [this is written vertically below '22d.' sw] The Wind S.W. blowing moderate, Sun shiny fair & serene, &Some hoar frost on the ground this morning: about 2 in the Evening it - grew dark & overcast & blew high as threatening rain, but made none but a little about 9 : pd. Wm. Griffith the Mariner 27s. for what he had laid out for me in Liverpool in Sepr. last over & above the money I had given him: bought of Rhŷs Bentir a quarter of veal for i5d. & a quarter of Mutton for is. [1/- sw] |
23d. The Wind W. blowing fresh & cold and generally Sun shiny and fair, but made a great shower of Sleet & hail about noon: My people all this week were plowing at Brynclynni. pd. William Thomas i5s. of this winter's wages |
24th The Wind N. E blowing moderate, came in the Evening to N.W. all the day was dry & generally Sun Shîny: Pd. Harry Prichd. i0s. 6d. &Harry Wms. i0s. 6d. of their winter's wages. |
25th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & cold, & made severall showers of cold rain this Evening: pd. Hugh ’Bwiliam Gabriel 5s. 6d. of his Winter's wages , which must be had on pretence of buying things in this pedling Fair · |
26th. The Wind S. W· blowing moderate, cloudy,dark cold weather all day; but made very little if any rain this day . pd. Richd. Wms. the Taylor- 6d.for mending my Coat. |
27th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh &cold all day and almost continually cloudy and overcast, but yet it continued dry. |
28th The Wind S. blowing and cold, but ^Sun^ shiny and drying well all day. |