December 4th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate, yet cold and the Air very sharp, cloudy & dark all day: pd. at Cemaes 40s. for 8 dosen of Oak Saplins, strait & long & severall of them of aSize sufficient for Rafters to small houses: gave is. beveridge to the Car- -penters that were calking Wm. Peters’s Vessell; pd. i9d.2/1 for Ale there |
5th. ● 7 [this is written vertically in the margin below '5th.' sw] The Wind came to N.W. very calm, cloudy and overcast and cold,raw weather all day, yet continued without raining; Ishould – have mentioned in the transactions of the 2d. Inst. that tho the deed bears the date that day, yet the Interest for the 550 pound is to comence on Novr. 14th. last past. |
6th. The N. E. very calm, and raining about 6 in the morning the rest of the day was dry, but a very moist Air & overcast. |
7th. The Wind N.W. very calm, cloudy & dark with dripping rain a great part of the morning; the Evening dryer but the Air was moist and cold. |
8th. The Wind W. calm and cloudy weather all day and made a great deal of small soaking rain for most part of ye morning and till near 2 in the Evening: Pd. is. 10d. for a side of Ordinary Mutton. |
9th. The Wind S. S. W. & blowing moderate, cloudy in the morning and severall showers of small rain; the Evening Sun shiny and fair: pd. John Ellis Griffith 2s. 6d. for labouring work this year over and above his rent for Gerddi Gwynion being i8s. paid likewise to Michael Evans 2s. 6d. for a back band – for my horse team: my people all this week (except ye time yt the Coals & timber took in carrying home) were plowing in Coydan |
10th. The Wind S. S. W. and very moderate, cloudy & dark attended with — severall showers of rain morning and Evening : The Priestpreached on Titus Chap: 2d. & ye last part of the i4th. vers · |
iith. The Wind S. in the morning, blowing fresh attended with very – frequent showers of heavy cold rain almost till 3 in the – Evening when the wind came to W. and blew high & very cold the rest of the day and night· |