March 6th. The Wind S. & by W. calm and warm, but not much sun shine, yet dry all day, & drying by slow degrees, and not violently . |
7th. The Wind W & by S. very calm, Sun Shiny, clear & serene inthe morning, and till near noon, the rest of the day was cloudy & dark there was a great hoar frost this morning. pd. 2s. 6d. for things I bought in Abraham Jones's Shop. |
8th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh, and raining very hard about 6 in the morning, and all the day was cloudy & dark: Delivered Roger Hughes 15s. 6d. to pay Jones the Danceing master for Ann Wright, 10s. 6d. for a quarter's Danceing & 5s. for 2 quarters writeing. |
9th. The Wind S. blowing fresh & evenstormy before noon, cloudy & dark generally all day, yet made but little rain, tho it attem- –ted to rain two or three times: pd. Rhŷs Bentir 13d. for a Side of Lamb & the head, & 8d. for a quarter of Veal. |
10th. The Wind S. blowing high all day: cloudy & dark, yet continued without raining; it was This Week I begun to dig my Garden and sowed the first Peas & Beans this year, I sowed likewise Carrot, Onions, Leeks, Cauly flowers, Savoys, & Cabbage Seeds Sallads &c. & planted Garlick, & Some Kidney Beans. pd. is. [1/- sw] for Butcher's meat. |
iith. The Wind W. very calm, and generally Sun Shiny warm and pleasant all day, and the Night very still & very light. |
12th 1❍ [this is written in the margin below '12th' sw] The Wind S. blowing very fresh and cold, Sun shiny and pleasant in the morning, but very cold, the Wind blowing from a very thick hoar frost that covered the ground: The Evening was cloudy dark & overcast & very cold. |
i3th. The Wind S. blowing very fresh, cloudy, dark & cold all day: towards night it ^made^was a sort of rusty, raw mist, very moist & bordering upon rain; All the night dark & cloudy. |
14th. The Wind S. in the morning, pretty calm, cloudy, dark with a mizling rain, about 9 upon a shower of rain it came to W·clear'd up about noon, & all the Evening was Sun shiny fair & pleasant; and the night light and freezing . |