April iith. The Wind S. E. blowing moderate, cloudy and dark all this day with some small rain. |
i2th. The Wind E.S. E. blowing very moderate, and raining a little for the most part of this day ;& the Evening chiefly : pd. is. 4d. for a Leghorn Letter. |
i3th. The Wind E. blowing high, and all the Evening very stormy but made no rain nor snow this day day. |
14th. The Wind E. blowing very high, stormy & tempestuous all day & all night, attended with frequent showers of hail, and a thick frost on the water this morning . |
i5th. The Wind N. blowing moderate, yet cold & a very thick frost on the water this morning,and frequent showers of hail all the morn— –ing; the Evening was more temperate yet very cold: My people all this week were plowing & harrowing spring corn : So much snow fell this night that before i0 a clock all the ground was thick covered. |
i6th. The Wind S. calm in the morning and the snow very thick allover the Countrey, about noon it begun to snow again which it continued till 4 in the Evening & exceeding cold, from that time it begun to rain very cold and the Wind blowing fresh, & rained for most part if not all the night: The Parson Priest preached on Genesis Chap: 28th.& Verses 20 & 2ist. |
i7th. The Wind S. blowing moderate & raining hard & very cold till 8 in the morning, the rest of the day was dry, but very cold and raw. |
i8th. The Wind W. blowing very moderate & a great hoar frost this morning on the ground, about 7 this morning it begun to rain, & rained without any intermission till past 3 in the Evening; the rest of the day & night was dry. |
i9th. The Wind S. & very moderate, dark cloudy weather all day, yet dry till 3 in the Evening when it made a heavy shower; |
20th. The Wind S. blowing moderate, made some rain in the day time, and very great rain in the night, insomuch that the ground is immoderately wet. |
2ist. The Wind N.E. blowing pretty fresh & drying well all this day till 5 in the Evening when it rained very hard again and likewise in the night. pd. Rhŷs Bentir 2s. 6d. for Butcher's meat. |
[Barbery sw] Barley [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] 22d. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh, sunshiny & drying well this day,& my people harrowing in the Evening · |