April the ist. The Wind E. calm in the morning, blew a brisk gale in the Evening and most part of this day was sun shiny and fair. |
2d. The Wind E. blowing very fresh and cold & dark cloudy weather all day, with some rain about noon, & a great deal in the night: The Curate preached on John Chap.i7th verse 4th. |
3d. The Wind N. N.E. blowing fresh & very cold, cloudy & dark all day; Robert Evan my Servant haveing bought ☞ [this pointing symbol is in the margin opposite this line sw] for me and laid out for severall things in the year i757 the Sum [there is a swishy line over the 'm' sw] of Seaven pounds seaven shillings & 9 pence, I paid him the Said Sum [there is a cupped line over the 'm' sw] yesterday in full of all accounts Paid the Collector of the Land and Light tax 2L. 2s. i0d for the two last quarterly payments due at Lady day last: and pd. the Parson's land & light tax being iL. i8s. iid. |
4th. The Wind N. blowing fresh & exceeding cold attended with fre- –quent heavy showers of hail morning & Evening; LLanerchymedd - Fair had a great many Cattle in it and a great many sold for good rates: Pd. is. 4d. Postage for a Leghorn Letter· |
5th. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh and exceeding cold, the ground this morning being thick covered with snow which had fell sometime last night, but was all in a manner melted before night· |
6th. The Wind W. & by N. blowing moderate, but very cold, cloudy & dark, about 5 in the Evening it begun to snow which it continued to bring down for near an hour when the ground was quite covered. |
7th. ● 12 [this is written vertically in the margin below '7th.' sw] The Wind S. W. blowing pretty fresh & generally sun shiny and not cold, which melted all the snow by noon: To Day I – begun to sow Barley: Sent the Examinations I had taken about sundry fellonies together with the Recognizances taken of the Pro - secutors & wittnesses )to the Great Sessions that begun to day, by Mr. Dorset, & gave him 5s. for his pains: Pd. likewise is. for a Side of Lamb. |
8th. The Wind S. E. blowing very moderate, and generally Sun shiny & fair, paid 3d. for fish |
9th. The Wind S.E. blowing fresh & cold all the morning & for the most part cloudy & dark, but by night it was quite allayed. |
i0th. The Wind SE. blowing fresh and generally Sun shiny & fair & not cold this day . |