September i5th. The Wind E. blowing moderate, Sun shiny,fair, and pleasant in the morning till i0, but the rest or the day was cloudy & overcast, yet made no rain: To Day I finished reaping the last of my Corn: Paid Rhŷs Bentir 2s. 6d. for a quarter of Mutton & side of a kid. Paid John ifan i0s. 6d. more of this year's wages· |
i6th. The WindE. blowing fresh, & generally Sun shiny & fair & dry all this day˙; [the high dot is actually directly above the semi colon sw] and my people are beginning to thatch the Corn· |
i7th 8 ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i7th' sw] The Wind E. very calm, cloudy & dark weather & raining without in termission from 8 in the morning this day till 2 or 3 a clock in the morning the next day: The Curate Priest preached an English Sermon on Psalm i07th. and ye i2 & 13th. verses. |
i8th The Wind W. & very little of it, Sun shiny,fair & pleasant in the morning & till i0, when it grew cloudy & overcast & brought down severall showers from that time till noon, it made no rain in the Evening, but did not dry at all. |
i9th. The Wind S. W. all the morning, very calm, dark & cloudy & made some little rain which brought the wind about noon to E.&blew very fresh & dryed well this Evening. |
20th. The Wind E. blowing very fresh, generally Sun shiny & drying well all this day : To Day they carryed in the last of my Corn [here is a small gap between the end of this entry and the next one sw] |
2ist. The Wind E. blowing fresh, generally Sun shiny & drying well all this day, & I believe all the Corn is got in within this parish. |
22d. The Wind E. blowing moderate, generally dark & cloudy with some showers of rain this day: Pd. Rhŷs Bentir 3s. 6d. for Butcher's meat |
23d. The Wind E.N. E. blowing fresh yet attended with showers of rain in the morning; the Evening was dry & generally sun shiny. |
24th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate and made severall showers of rain this day also: The Curate Priest preached on Mat: chap: 22d. verses 37 & 38: in which the man discovered the utmost signs of Ignorance of the Scriptures, & seemed to have read no books but those of the most ignorant of even the most thorow-paced [Nesta Evans gives 'thorowpaced' sw] Athanasians. |
25th. The Wind N. in the morning & came to W. before noon; was very calm cloudy & dark & raining about noon, but the Evening dry· |