April 26th. The Wind N.W. blowing a rank storm and very cold all day; my people all this week (but yesterday, upon which day the people of this Countrey superstitiously abstain from labour to the great — hindrance of Tillage this busy time of the year ) at the same work of plowing for, [A sw]nd sowing Barley. Sett yestarday Tyddyn Prys to Owen Ellis Meyrick, alias Bell & Dragon for the Term of 4 years to commence at Allsts. next at the same rent of 47s. 6d. & the usual services & presents. |
27th. The Wind N. very calm in the morning till 7, as it was in the night likewise almost all this month; but the rest of the daysallmost all this month were cold, scorching, and very high winds. |
28th. The Wind N. moderately calm & warm this day, & clear & sun-shiny all day; To day I finished plowing for Barley |
29th. ❍3 [this is written vertically immediately below '29th.' sw] The Wind N. in the morning, very calm, sun-shiny & fair, but the ground was covered with a thick hoar frost as white as snow; and all standing waters were frozen; To day I finished sowing and harrowing all my Barley ground. about 3 in the Evening ye Wind ris, & blew high at N.E. cold, dry, & scorching. |
30th. The Wind N.E. in the morning very cold & cloudy, and continued so all day, but no hoar frost this morning, but excessive dry & scorching, The Market very high to day at LLanerchmedd; Barley at 20s. a pegget, Rye & Pilcorn at 30s. & wheat above 40s a pegget. |
May ist. The Wind N. dark & cloudy till near 9, sunshiny & fair all the rest of the day & moderately calm & warm; To day I turned my cattle out, but how they can live is to every body a wonder; there being no more grass this day in places that have been kept all the Winter & Spring in my holding than there was |