October i9th. The Wind E. & very moderate, Sun shiny, fair and serene all day, but freezed pretty hard last night; and a great hoar frost this morning: my people finished to day the carrying home the Gorse and makeing 2 stacks, & more to be yet made. |
20th. The Wind E. calm, Sun shiny and warm all day: The Priest – preached on John's^Gospel^Chap: 4th. verse 2ist. About 4 a clock this Evening dyed David Williams of Bodelwyn. |
2ist. The Wind E. blowing fresh and very cold, but Sun shiny all day– bought to day at Cemaes ii pieces of Oak of a size sufficient for Principals or Couples in thatched houses, One piece of Ash and an Ash plank, & 3 spades ; for which I paid fifty six – shillings and six pence , and 3d. 2/1 I paid for Ale at Cemaes. |
22d. The Wind E. blowing fresh and very cold, but sun shiny,dry and pleasant all day, and so dry that it is difficult in all the Mills in this Neighbourhood to have any Corn ground. |
23d. 12❍ [this is written vertically below '23d.' sw] The Wind E. blowing pretty fresh and very cold,but sun shiny fair and pleasant all day. a very thick hoar frost this morning also: Paid Owen Hughes the Smith's Bill comeing to iis. 2d. from iith. of July last to this time . |
24th. The Wind E. very calm, dark and cloudy attended with a wett mist all day. especially in the Evening & night, & neither Sun nor Moon – appeared : pd. i8d. for s side of Venison, & gave the Priest is. [1/- sw] & the Sexton 6d. at David Williams ’s burying . |
25th. The Wind E. very calm, dark, close weather & overcast with thick mists attended with small rain almost all day, except for- about half an hour about noon the sun shined faintly: A very good Fair to day at LLanfechell, especially for heiffers of all ages which bore a high price and Oxen were sold there for iiL. 5s. a pair: pd. i4d. for a quarter of Mutton- 3d. for Nuts, is. 8d. for a hat for Hugh ’Bwiliam Gabriel, & 2s. I gave the Widdow of Price the Salt Officer that was at Red Wharf who left her & 5 Children,and had not saved a penny for their support after him . |