November ist. The Wind N.W. calm dark and overcast. cold and raw with – some small rain like a cold dew several times dureing this – day, and the sky looking like an approaching snow. |
2d. The Wind N. W. calm, Sun shiny, clear and fair all day; haveing freezed hard last night and a great hoar frost on the ground this morning: A very full Fair to day at LLanerchymedd and a great number of Cattle, but very few Drovers or Butchers – from other Countreys & very little buying, all the preceding Fairs being so full of Cattle that they greedily bought up what they wanted |
3d. The Wind W. calm, cloudy and overcast all day with some small showers of misling rain : The Priest preached on Deut : Chap 32d. verse 29th. |
4th. The Wind W. & by N very calm, cloudy, dark &overcast all day and not cold, with frequent showers of mizling rain , especially in the morning : Delivered Wm. Griffith who goes to Liverpool 3L. 10s. to buy me severall _ things mentioned in a Note sent by him there: This being the day I was born and when I enter upon the 6ist. year of my age, My Prayer to Almighty God who has hitherto preserved me, is that he would of his great goodness & mercy give me Grace to walk uprightly before him, and by persevering in my Duty to him & my Countrey finish the rest of my life in peace, quietness and v [e sw]rtue . |
5th. The Wind W. & by S. very calm, cloudy, dark & overcast all ye morning the Evening Sun shiny & pleasant: Pd. 1s. 2d. for Oysters, 2d.for fish&id.2/1 for liquorish. |
6th. The Wind W. calm, cloudy and overcast all this day also, but yet continued dry: My Gardiner is for these 4 last days cutting Willows in ye hedges some for hoops, but most of them fit onely for rib timber in thatched houses. |