April 12th. The Wind E. blowing high and exceeding cold – all day & frost on the water this morning, yet it was cloudy and dark generally all day. |
i3th. The Wind N. W. very moderate, & generally Sun Shiny fair and warm all day. but there was a hoar frost Morn: -ing; Sowed to day severall sorts of flower Seeds, As African & French Marygolds, China Asters, Sweet Scabious, and Convolvulus: |
14th. The Wind N. E. very moderate, but very cold & a hoar frost this morning, but all the day was generally Sun — shiny and fair & the Earth extream dry: Pd. Richard Jones the Mill Wright 18d. a day for him & his Man with meat and drink for 13 days work at the mill, & gave him i8d– more towards his Journeys in looking out for timber with the 5s. I had given him before ; being in all 26s. & i9s. I pd. the boat that brought them & 5L. 8d. they cost me; So that I laid out in dry money out of my pocket 7L. 5s. 8d. — without reckoning Smith's work, carrying the timber & 2 mens meat for a fortnight. |
15th. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh and very cold all day & a hoar frost this morning, but Sun Shiny & dry & very scorching: Sowed to day Large Dwarf brown Kidney beans for ye firsttime pd 10p pd. 20 pence forspining [z sw] 5 pound of hemp [or possibly 'kemp' sw]. |
16th. ●4 [this is written vertically immediately below '16th.' sw] The Wind variable, N. E. in the morning, came afterwards to N. & was at N.W. about noon, cloudy & dark generally till 10, afterwards Sun shiny & fairtill 2 in the Evening when it grew cloudy & dark the rest of the day, yet made no rain: This being – right Saturday Moon, when the Moon changed after 12 in the– fore noon, for Astrologers hold that tho the Moon change on a Sat– –urday before 12 at fore noon, it is not to be reckoned a Saturday Moon Those people prognosticated extraordinary things in respect of the – weather from those Moons, which if they be true we shall soon see: My people these 4 last days a plowing for Barley at Coydan Park & they have not finished yet; Delivered to Wm. Davies 6L. 7s. 6d. to pay the taxes, Viz. 2L. 17s. 4d. for my lands in LLanddeus[s sw]. and 2l. 14s. 8d. for my lands at home, & 15s. 6d. for the 2 last quarterly payments of the Window tax, haveing pd. the like Sum [there is a line over the 'm' sw] last Michaelmas. |