July 5th. The Wind N. a calm fair day & very hot, my people all day almost in the hay. & opening of Ditches in the Morning # [this symbol is written in the margin, opposite this line sw] today I put a New Collar about the Fox's Neck – |
6th. The Wind N.E. very calm, & exceeding sultry,(tho no great Sun – - shine neither) my people employed in the Same work still – pd 3d. for ale. |
7th. The Wind N.E. dark cloudy weather, yet very sultry, <my> people at the Same work still, the Market at LLanerchymeddwon much the same, Barley being from 13 to 15s. a pegget, Pilcorn from 20. to 22s. a pegget. |
8th. The Wind E. Cloudy and dark most part of the day, yet very hot & Sultry, my people begun to day to carry home the Sods from Cae'r Mynŷdd, made two Journeys before they went to the Hay – had other labourers opening drains of Springs at Coydan _ while the dew is on the hay, then they all Joyn in the [cure sw]ing ye Hay– |
9th. The Wind S.W. changed afterwards to E. and before night setled in the W. cloudy dark & very sultry in the morning, the Evening extream hot & SunShiny, my people still at the Same work – a very good Market at LLanfechell, pd. 14d for a Quarter, and the head of a Calf. pd. 4d for ale. |
10th. The Wind S.W. in the morning & very Sultry, setled in the S. about noon, & begun to rain about 4 & rained without any intermission all the Evening & I believe most part of the night; pd. Wm. Richard ap Wm. Prichard ap Wm. Pugh Prytherch the Taylor 6d. for mending my Cloaths– |
11th. ❍ 8 [this is written in the margin immediately below '11th.' sw] The Wind S. Dark and cloudy. but very Sultry all day, received a threatening letter from M.L to day in relation to ye – money's not being paid in London asI ['as I' sw] promised, occasioned by my Son's rakeing upon the Way, having not reached London the 6th. of July tho he set out from [hence sw] the 17th of June |