Decr. 8th. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, with some Sun shine, but generally cloudy & dark, but made no rain till – night, & then not much, but blew high & stormy all nîght. |
9th. The Wind S. W. blowing exceeding high & stormy before day; & very high all day & raining exceeding hard from 2 in the morning till near noon, & after a few hours respite it rained exceeding hard again till very far in the night. |
i0th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & raining in the morning– before day; the rest of the day was dry & some sun shine. |
iith. The Wind S. W. blowîng fresh & attended with severall heavy - showers of rain both in the morning & Evening: Pd. Ellin Edward - all her wages being i5s. & gave her 2s. 6d. over & above for her care of the Pigs & Geese · |
i2th. The Wind S. blowing very high, tempestuous & stormy all day. about 3 in the Evening it begun to rain, & rained exceeding hard and blowing higher & higher from that time till 9 when it left off raining & the stormy wind was much abated. |
i3th. ● 12 [this is written vertically below 'i3th.' sw] The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh, cloudy in the morning, but it cleared up about i0 & made some sunshine & all the rest of the day was dry : pd. Rhys Bentir is. [1/- sw] for a quarter of Veal, & i0d. to Marged uch huw Morus for a quarter of Mutton · |
14th. The Wind W. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark for the most part– & made little or no rain in the day: but sometime in the – night it rained excessive hard . |
i5th. The Wind S. moderately blowing , cloudy& dark all day, but it continued dry all day,& rained hard in the night· |