March 26th. The Wind E. N.E. blowing very high & stormy and excessive cold and wet after the rain & snow that fell last night and this morning, so that my people could not harrow till 3 in the Evening: Paid Marged ’chuw Morus 6d. for a small quarter of Lamb. |
27th. The Wind W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark, cold raw weather, a great deal of Snow fell last night, & all the ground was covered by it at 6 in the morning, & from that time till 8 it rained excessive hard which melted it all, but the ground is so wett after it that there is no harrowing to day: gave 2s. Charity to a poor woman that is under the Doctor's hands : rained very hard again this night also. |
28th. The Wind W. blowing fresh, cloudy, dark and very cold all this day, The Priest preached on Lam: Chap: 3d. & verse 40th. |
29th. The Wind W. in the morning, come to S.W. about noon, all the day was cold, cloudy and dark, & a great part of the Evening was dirty and wet, and rained very hard in the night: My people harrowed most part of this day: sent 5s. to pay for Irish News Papers. |
30th. ●5 [this is written vertically in the margin below '30th.' sw] The Wind S.W. blowing very moderate & not very cold; cloudy dark weather all day and raining a dirty mizling rain from 9 in the morning till ii, from that time till 3 was dry, and a dirty mizling rain afterwards till 7 at night: Pd. i0s i0d. for 10 yards of Irish Cloath to make Pillow Cases· |
3ist. The Wind N.W. calm, cloudy & dark weather all day, & raining a dirty mizling rain from 3 in the Evening till far in the Night: Pd. the Collector of the land tax iL. 7s. 4d. for my lands in my own holding in LLanvechell, & iL. iis. Window tax. |
April ist. The Wind N.E. blowing moderate; some sun shine but generally cloudy and dark, but made no rain this day. |
2d. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather with a very moist air bordering on rain, the Evening was dark & misty: Pd. Marged ’chuw Morus iid. for a side of lamb. |
3d. The Wind W. & by S. blowing very moderate, dark cloudy weather all this day & made some little rain about i0: My people harrowed 3 days in this week |
4th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather all day; & made some rain about noon but was soon over. |
5th. The Wind N. N. W. blowing very moderate, dark cloudy weather all day but made very little or no rain & was rather warm than otherwise.Pd. Humphrey the Cow man i0s. 6d. more of his winter's wages. |
6th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate & warm, Some sun shine this day, but for the most part cloudy and dark· |