March i5th. The Wind E. blowing fresh,Sun shiny and drying well all this day: Paid Cos: Humphrey Mostyn's Shop Bill being 2L. i8s. 6d. |
i6th. ❍ 3 [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i6th.' sw] The Wind E. & by N. blowing very fresh, Sun Shiny and drying well all this day also: Yesterday and to day my people were winnowing the Oats; yesterday they winnowed at home 20 peggets & i measure ^of White Oats^ and to day they winnowed at Coydan i7 peggets & half of black Oats. |
i7th. The Wind E. & by N. blowing moderate, dark cloudy weather all day and very cold with some little rain: To Day I begun to harrow for Oats. |
i8th. The Wind S. E. blowing fresh, cloudy and dark, and raining frequent - ly most part of the day; left off harrowing this day. |
i9th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing moderate, yet very cold & raw, but dry all this day & my people harrowing from i0 in the morning till night; the frost hindring in the morning: pd. 7d. for a small quarter of Lamb, and 4d. for 2 quarts of Potatoes . Pd. Abr.Jones's bill being 2L. 7s. |
20th. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, dark cloudy weather, but dry all this day & my people harrowing; it made excessive heavy rains this night with hail & snow. |
2ist. The Wind W. S. W. blowing fresh and raining hard this morning– with snow and hail sometime before day, the rest of the day was dry, but rained exceeding hard again this night, & brought down a great deal of snow & hail· |
22d. The Wind W. blowing very high & stormy from 5 in the morning till 9; the rest of the day was something calmer, but still blowing – fresh & very cold for the rest of the day: Paid i0d. for 2/1 pound of Salt– Petr, and 8d. for 2 pound weight of Bay Salt: & pd. Hugh Griffith the Tinker 6d. for mending some [pans sw] & 6d. for gelding the Boar· |
23d. The Wind variable this day and changing thro all the points ofyeCompass blowing very cold and bring ing down frequently showers of rain, Sleet & feathered snow, insomuch as my people were forced to leave off harrowing after an hour or two's work. |
24th. The Wind N. & came afterwards to N. E. & before night to E. blow- ing fresh & very cold, haveing freezed hard last night; my people were harrowing to day from 9 till night; |
25th. The Wind W. &N. blowing fresh & very cold, & generally cloudy & dark: So much rain haveing fallen last night, the ground to day is excessive wett — so that there is no harrowing to day : The Wind came in the night to N.&N.E. and blew a very great storm all night with hail & sleet & even snow. |