June ist.  The Wind S. in the morning, came to W. about noon, calm cloudy and dark and raining a mizling rain from ii till near i in the Evening: the rest of the day was dry, yet it rained very hard in the night.
2d.  The Wind S. and little of it; generally cloudy and dark, but very warm and fine growing weather, yet the Evening was pretty cold: Paid Wm. Williams - Tinker 3s. for gelding three colts, and 6d. for splaying three sucking sows & gelding 5 Sucking pigs ·
3d.  The Wind S. blowing pretty fresh hot and sultry all day: gave Wm. Thoms. Morgan (who had long. lived at Cnewchdernog ) is. [1/- sw] for comeing along with – me to day to view the Condition & repairs of that place; pd. 6d.for aleat LLanddeusant.
4th.  The Wind N. E. and little of it; generally cloudy and dark, yet very sultry all the day; a little before night it thundered and lightened for above an hour, yet made very little rain in this quarter·
5th.  The Wind W. almost calm, cloudy and dark and very sultry all day:
6th.  The Wind N. W. and not much of it, yet cold for the time of the year and generally cloudy & dark: Paid Martha Oni: 50s. being her whole year's — wages to this time; Pd. likewise to Ellin Roger i8s. 6d. in full of her winter's wages, and i7s. to Elizabeth Wms. in full of her winter's wages: & Pd. Marged ’chuw Morus is. 6d. for a quarter of Veal.
7th.  The Wind N. and little of it, but sultry & hot in the morning, yet the Evening was cloudy and pretty cold.
8th.  The Wind N. E. and little of it, dark,cloudy weather & not warm all this day
9th.  The Wind N. and little of it, generally Sun shiny but not warm for the time– of the year: Paid Hugh Lodwig's winter's wages being 40s.
i0th.  The Wind E. blowing pretty fresh, and for the most part Sun shiny yet not warm for the time of the year: Paid by Lewis Hughes to Edward Griffith of Carnarvan 40s. for 2 dosen bottles of Wine & I owe him 40s. more, he haveing brought hither from thence 4 dosen bottles ·
iith.  The Wind E. blowing fresh, Sun shiny and very dry this and severall – days last past insomuch as the want of water is already felt in severall parts of this Countrey already·
i2th.  The Wind E. blowing fresh & scorching & sun shiny all this day: Paid Hugh Prys the shoo maker is. [1/- sw] which appeared to be due to him on the ballance of [???? sw] [?? sw]

i3th. [7 sw][? sw]● [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i3th.' sw]   

The Wind E. blowing moderate, Sun shîny dry and scorching all this day likewise, and the Evening was very cold for the time of the year·

i4th.  The Wind S. blowing moderate and pretty cold, and generally cloudy and dark especially in the Evening : My people these days were weeding the Corn .

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