i6th. The Wind N. blowing fresh and very cold all day, but made no rain this day · |
i7th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy and dark all the morning & rained hard from 2 in the Evening till 5: paid 2d. for ale at Cemaes: Set Tŷ'n y LLan with its appurtenances as it is now occupyed by Wm. Griffith – (except y Weyn fawr ) to Edward Dowdal for a year at the Same rent of 4L. 6s. |
i8th. The Wind N. blowing pretty fresh and very cold all the day and rained hard from 4 in the morning till near 9 . |
i9th. The Wind N. blowing fresh and very cold all this day also, and made a · heavy shower about 4 this morning likewise: Paid Wm. Callen officer of Excise i9s. being my composition for the Duty on Malt ^and Candles^ from Midsummer next i760 to Midsummer i76i. |
20th. The Wind N. W. blowing moderate, it rained very hard this morning about 3 a' clock; the rest of the day was dry but very cold: Paid to day for Butcher's meat 2s. 8d. |
2ist. The Wind S. blowing fresh and very cold. yet sun shiny & dry all this day: My people after finishing weeding the Corn were the last 4 days of this week carrying Much from ^about^ these houses to the Pinfold at Brynclynni ( being Cae'r Iarlles.) Paid Richard Wms. Taylor is. 6d. for makeing Nine New sacks. Paid the Parson's share of the shire Hall tax being is. 5d. 2/1 & my own share of it being is.id.2/1 |
22d. The Wind N.E. blowing moderate yet very cold for the time of ye year and for the most part was dark cloudy weather. |
23d. The Wind E. and little of it, yet every cold & frequent ^small^ showers of dripping rain morning and Evening - I had a shakeing fit like an [there are three wavy lines at a NW–SE angle crossed through horizontally in the margin opposite this line sw] Ague that held me from 6 in the Evening till half an hour past 7. |
24th. The Wind E. blowing fresh & very cold and raining almost all day. I am very sick all this day, being feverish and very low spirited: Paid John Samuel 20s. in full of his last winter's wages. |
[25 sw]th. The Wind E. S. E. blowing fresh & raining often in the morning the Evening was dry, but cloudy: Set Weyn ^fawr^ to Mr. Jones the Curate ^[?n sw] Ifan my servant Jointly^ for Seavenyears at the annual rent of one pound Seaven – teen shillings and Six pence. |