April 3d. The Wind E. blowing something high, and very cold, bu[t sw] nothing to what it did yesterday, being very dark and cloudy withall, the Parson preached on Lam: Chap 3d. vers. 40. he spent most part of the Evening in paraphraseing the – Cátechism to a parcell of children, makeing it thereby ten times darker that the Originall . |
4th. 1.❍ [this is written in the margin directly below '4th.' sw] The Wind E. blowing high and very scorching, but Sun-shiny, clear and very fair, planted a great many Fir – trees in the plantation at the Corner of the Meadow by Cae'[r sw] Penrhyn to supply what had failed there [there is a ` over the 'r' sw] at the first planting planted some likewise in Cae'r Gegin, and 2 in Cae Calad. my people on the farm still employed, some a harrowing others a fallowing for Barley, being so wet we could not plow it before, gave Ambrose Lewis of Trysclwyn 1s. that went about to beg for Eggs, as the Custom of Schoolboys is ye Week before Easter. |
5th. The Wind E. moderately calm, but dark and cloudy & excessive cold, especially in the Morning, the Evening fairer & warmer. |
6th. The Wind E.N.E. calm, sun - Shiny and pleasant weather but a great hoar frost this Morning, my people at the same work in the fields, & the Gardiner Wheeling of Dung to the Orchard to day and yesterday . to day I finished sowing - Oats, haveing sowed 24 peggets of Small Oats & 26 peggets of Great Oats, Sowed Cae Caled with Hay - Seed, & Sowed Some clover in-it afterwarwards. |
7th. The Wind W.S.W. cold, raw and raining hard from 2 in the Morning till i in the Evening, the rest of the day dark, foggy, with a dewy mist. |
8th. The Wind N. in the Morning, it came afterwards to E. & S.E. a fine, calm, very warm day from first to last, sowed hay seed, and clover in Cae Tŷ'n y LLŵyn, and harrowed it with thorns afterwards. pd 2d for a kneeling Cushion at Church [the 'rch' of 'Church' is underlined sw] |