2d. The Wind E. Sun-shiny and clear, but blowing a meer Hurricane and very cold, beginning about 3 in the morning, and nothing abated till 11 at night. the work upon the farm. the same as before planted Cabbage in ye Garden. The following piece is an Epigram upon Sr. Robert Walpole's House in Norfolk called Houghton Hall, writt by some flattering Rascally Pensioner : Lewis the 14th. of France's Parasites flatered him be yond any other Monarch in the World, who tho he was a great and Powerfull King. those Encomiums did not become him Yet this Infamous Robber who hath raised himself to an imense Estate by the plunder of the people, and screened and protected by a weake, avaritious Prince, who shares the prey with him, hath – certainly less claim to those fulsome flateries than Lewis Le Grand but the reader will see that tho' all the grand Ecominiums are here bestowed on this wretch, that might be aptlier applied to the King his Master, yet that Statue of a man is not at all taken notice of . Houghtoniensis Villæ apud Icenos Dominus: Vix Orbis Gentem Iactat, vix ulla Domum Gens Ostentat Dominum non Domus ulla, parem. + Aulicus impendit Patriæ sua tempora, Villæ Rusticus, hìc hominem se meminisse vacat. Ruris amator erat Saturnus, et Aurea sæcla Qui Laribus facit hæcotia, reddit agris.+ These tẁo Verses allude to a celebrated Ep∎igram on the Louvre, by the D. of Gordon |