September 22d. The Wind N. blowing fresh & generally Sun shiny dry and scorching all the day, but a very great dew still continues to fall every night· |
23d. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh, scorching and very cold, tho it was Sun shiny & clear all this day: Paid Rhŷs Bentir 3s. 4d—– for a side of Mutton. |
24th. The Wind N. blowing fresh & cold & for the most part cloudy & dark weather, but dry all day. |
25th. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh and cold & generally dark weather but dry all day: Paid John Prichd. Samuel 6s. 6d. for a pair of Double channel Pumps, 2s. 8d. for a pair of Pumps for Ann Wright & is. i0d. for soaling a pair of Pumps for myself. |
26th. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh & cold, but for the most part– Sun shiny & fair: Pd. is. [1/- sw] for Oysters. |
27th. ❍ 5 [this is written vertically in the margin below '27th.' sw] The Wind N. E. blowing pretty fresh & generally SunShiny but fair & dry all day: pd. Hugh Thomas ab Robert of LLan – erchymedd i8s. for 12 hundred bog Laths; pd: Mr. Rice Price for 6 thousand lath nails & i thousand board nails i2s. & paid John —– Randle the Carrier for carrying me a parcell from Chester 3s. 1d. 2/1 in all iL. i3s. id2/1 |
28th. The Wind W & by S. very calm, cloudy & dark weather almost all day , yet it made no rain . |
29th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate, Some Sun shine, but cloudy for the most part, yet made no rain . |
30th. The Wind N. blowing very moderate & generally Sun shiny & made a small shower of 2 or 3 minutes continuance in the Evening: Paid Rhys Bentir 2s.for a small side of Mutton . |
October ist. The Wind N. calm with some sun shine, but cloudy for the most part, yet dry all day: My people these 3 last days were carrying stones to make Bridges over severall deep Gutters & ditches in Coydan & makeing severall causways where my Cattle are to pass & repass from Coydan hither & from this place to Coydan . |
2d. The Wind N. N.E. calm, and Generally Sun Shiny, fair warm & dry all day The Curate Priest preached on Heb: Chap: iith. & the latter part of the 6th. verse gave is. [1/- sw] to a Collection for a poor Sick woman of this parish · |