July 23d. The Wind E. blowing moderate,Sunshiny & very hot and Sultry allday: The Drougth is extraordinary & the ground miserably parched. Pd. 6d. for Ale. |
24th. The Wind E. blowing fresh, very hot & scorching. Sun shiny clear and very dry all day, & but very little dew this morning : paid 14s. for a Kegg of 5 Gallons of Brandy. |
25th. The Wind E. very calm, Sunshiny and very hot all day; pd. is. for two hundred fathom of Sand– rush Ropes, i4d. for a quart of Linseed Oyl, 1d.2/1 for an Earthen bottle to carry it, & 3d. for an ounce of Verdige[a sw]s, & 8d. for half a pint of Oyl of Turpentine. |
26th. The Wind E. N.E. calm, sun shiny, very hot & Sultry all day and the ground extreamly scorched and burnt. |
27th. The Wind N. very calm in the morning, but blowing a cool– moderate breeze in the Evening, yet all the day was sun shiny hot & scorching: pd. 2d. for fish, and 2s. 6d. for a fore quarter of Veal to Rhŷs Bentir· |
28th. The Wind N. & blowing pritty fresh all day, & cold towards night, yet it was generally Sun shiny all day: My people all this week– were harvesting the hay & carrying home the turf in ye mornings. |
29th. The Wind N.W. calm, cloudy and dark almost all day, and the Air not warm: The Priest preached on Matt: Chap: iith. and verse 28th. |
30th. 8 ● [this is written vertically in the margin below '30th.' sw] The Wind N. W. blowing very moderate, with some ^Sun^ shine, but generally cloudy & dark all day, yet it made no rain: Met to day at John ifan's house in LLanfechell to Join Mr. Lewis in keeping an adjournment of the Quarter Sessions, where Mr. John Lewis liveing at LLoydiarth was qualifyed for the Living of LLangefny, & Samuel D[a sw]vey for the place of Officer of Excise – at Bodedern : Pd. herefor meat& drink 1s. 6d. |