Sept.r. 1st. The Wind West, cold & sharp, but not blowing a Hurricane as yesterday, yet cloudy, & very like to rain, about <? sw]> it rained a very heavy shower. but continued dry all ye rest of the day af-terwards, the Parson preached to day on Prov. Ch. 10th. & ye first part of the 9th. verse - |
2d. ∣❍ 5∣ [this is written vertically in the margin between '2d.' and '3d.' sw] The Wind W. & SW. very cloudy & like to rain–my servants bound above 100 shocks of Barley before ye Rain which began ’twixt 12 & 1. and rained incessantly all ye rest of the day & great part of the Night. |
3d. The Wind. W. and dry, my servants stubble ye Barley that's unbound that it may dry, & prevent its sprouting, they bound Barley all ye Evening being very dry – |
4th. The Wind N.W. very high, it blew high all last night, & [dryes sw] apace, My servants bind the Barley all this Day_bound to day 170 shocks of Barley & ye Day before 214 shocks, sent 3s to LLanerchymedd to buy [meat sw]. |
5th. The Wind. W. Dry hitherto, but very like rain, to Day I begun to – make my Barley at home, haveing 15 Drags carrying, I likewise finish binding the rest of the Barley. it made severall showers in the Evening, but not so as to incomode or hinder the makeing or binding any Corn – |
6th. The Wind SW. fair & dry, to day I finished makeing all my Barley which is 840 shocks, & likewise all my Wheat, my people bind the Oats to Day at Coydan – |
7th. The Wind SW. a Dull cloudy day & some showers in the Morning, to day I finished binding the Oats at Coydan & making it. about 10 I had a letter from Mr. David Wms. yt I should come to ye Sessions to put in a new answer to Lewis Trysclwyn's bill(exception being taken to ye former) about 4 I sett out, came to bwlch Gwynn Pd 3d for Ale, came to Town about 8, sent for Da. Wms. discoursed him about my buisness, drank 2 pints of ale, & went to bed being tired– |
8th. The Wind SW. fair & clear, breakfasted & drank a pint of Ale — dined at my Lodging, & drank most part of the Evening, Mr. LLoyd of lLwydiarth, & Cousin Morgans of Henblas were there, we adjourned to—— |