August 26th. It blew hard all last night the Wind S.S.W. about 1 in ye Morning it began to rain, & rained (I believe ye most part till Day. & from that time to 8 in ye Morning it rained very hard with a Hurricane of Wind, continued windy till 5 in ye Evening when the Wind abated. I had 18 people reaping barley, pd. 1d.2/1 for Ale. |
27th. The Wind S W. dry & fair & continued so all day. I had ii people reaping barley all this day. |
28th. The Wind E.S.E. Dry & fair, had 14 people reaping barley, finished reaping all my Barley to day, pd. 13d. for a quarter of Mutton at LLan[ner sw]chymedd, gave 1s. to my Daughter's Maid to go for her to ye f[une sw]rall of Mrs. Anne Williams of LLanfaethly–about 6 in ye Evening it begun to rain, & rained more or less till 8, sometimes very hard – |
29th. Viper [this is written below '29th.' sw] The Wind S.W. a dark cloudy [uglly sw] day very like rain, tho it made 2 or 3 showers before day it made very little afterwards till betwixt 7 and 8 in the Evening it rained very hard, this day I finish=ed reaping the Wheat, which made 62 shocks, besides Tythe My Poor Dog Ranter was bit by a Viper, which I killed, and imediately opened & took out her fat which was near an ounce <weight.> ∎∎ & by the time I had come home from the reapers where the poor Dog was bit, the part was swol[n sw] mightily, & putting a spatula in the fire & makeing it red hot, & holding it over ye place so bit & anointing the part at the same time with ye fat melted & applied very hot, the Dog by Night was pretty well, ye swelling almost all vanished, & I hope he will do very well – |
30th. The Wind W.S.W. about 4 this Morning it rained hard, and made severall heavy showers from that time till 8 in ye Morning when the Wind did rise very high & blew a [? sw] Hurricane with some showers of rain all the rest of the day and all Night. Pd. 7d for a quar[? sw] of a young goat. |
31st. The Wind in the same point, & still blowing very hard, and throwing some showers of rain, as it did I believe all last night. it continued blowing very hard and raining most part of ye Day & night, abt. 2 in ye Morning ye wind abated. |