March 30th. The Wind N.E. cold & scorching, with a hoar frost, & some other frost this morning, the Parson comunicated [there is a line over the 'm' sw] 6 persons this morning ^in their houses^ which with some others that are to receive to morrow in their houses will make the Number that received ye Sacrament this Easter in this parish above 300 . Pd. Hugh Wms. the Collector of the Land Tax for LLanddeusant 1L. 8s. 8d. being the 2 last quarterly payments for my Lands there in my holding — |
3ist. The Wind N. W. pretty calm, dark & cloudy, but a very great hoar frost, and some frost this morning; the Evening very warm calm & pleasant. |
April ist. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh & excessive cold & scorching all day. Severall people are drove to the Necessity of unroofing of Barns Stables & Cow houses to make use of the old thatch to give their Cattle to keep them alive, their fodder being all eat[e sw]n, & the fields all scorched up . To day I receivd an account that Wm. Wright my Grandson had Dyed on Saturday last the 28th. of March. |
2d. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh, cold & scorching, the Wind came to W. & by S in the Evening, made a great deal of Snow sometime before day this morning, & had freezed very hard. Paid My two Sisters,(Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Catherine Bulkeley ) 35 pounds being their Interest for 700 L. due last 16th. of September —— |
3d. The Wind S.W. dark & cloudy all the Morning & very cold; yet it made no rain; the Evening warmer, yet dry. |
4th. ●4 [this is written vertically immediately below '4th.' sw] The Wind S.S.W. blowing fresh in the Morning & scorching, the Evening calmer, & very cloudy & overcast, yet made no rain; My people all the Working days of this week were sowing Barley, they finished all at Coydan before —— night, & came to Rhos –Garrog. pd. 3d. for Ducks Eggs. |
5th. The Wind S. S. W. made a fine rain from about 5 in the morning till past 7. after which it cleared up & blew a hard gale all the rest of the day. about 4 in the Evening I set out for LLysdulas in my way to Beaumares Sessions that begun yesterday; came to LLysdulas half an hour after Six, where I Staid this night to rest. |