May 3d. past 7. then sett out for Beaumares to save the Quarter Sessions from being lost, where I rid Post, and gott there by 10. but the Lord Bulkeley by chance being at home had Joined Mr. Jones Pentraeth to open the Quarter, which being done before I gott there, I onely drunk a pint of Ale with my Pipe, and went to bed much fatigued. |
4th. The Wind W. a pretty fair clear day, with frequent showers of warm Rain, as it did most part of the last night. finished all ye buisness of the Quarter to day, gave my barber 6d. to ye Cryer 6d. pd 2s for Ale at my Lodging: |
5th. The Wind N.W. and very cold, pd. 7s. to clear my Lodging, came to LLanerchmedd by 12 . pd there for meat & drink 1s. 9d. Executed– there the Mortgage Deed, and came together with my Son to LLoydiarth that Night. |
6th. The Wind S.W. Dark still weather with a warm soft rain, all the family of LLoydiarth extream civil & obliedgeing the 2 L – especially, my Son went to Tre'r ddôl to visit Mr. Hughes, but was first obliedged to promise to return here in his way home, & made me stay there that night likewise. |
7th. The Wind S. a cloudy Still sky, with frequent rain∎ most of the day the L —— very free & generous & pressing to drink &c in order to have more of their Guests's Company, the Old man being sickly begun to shew an indiference for his guests, with a Shew of Jealousy, tho God knows, no body ever went out of his Sight, but when <we>he went to bed. tho he had the least reason in the World for it, for my boy never took the least freedom with the Eldest, but the youngest I believe he did sometimes Ogle, & looked wishfully upon, which could be no disparagement at all to her or her father to have such alliance if he had really courted her in form, ∎∎∎ But ye Old man I believe was afraid of ye Heiress, who I belive would have received this adresses, if he had made any advances |