March 23d. The Wind S. blowing very high, stormy & tempestuous with some rain at times & continued so all the day & night, and tho it — brought down showers of hail & rain in the Evening the wind was rather higher in the Evening & night than in the morning. |
24th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh cloudy & dark weather with often a mizling rain most part of the day & blowing high in the Evening and rained exceeding hard the greatest part of this night. |
25th. The Wind W. blowing high fresh & raining hard in the morning about 7 the rest of the day was generally dry & some Sun Shine. |
26th. The Wind S. blowing fresh & generally Sun Shiny & dry till near 5 in the Evening when it grew cloudy & overcast & made a good deal of rain from that time till 7. fetched to day from Holy head parish twelve Peggets of Barley for which I paid Nineteen pounds & three shillings at the rate of 32s. [there is a dot above the 's' as well as below it sw] a pegget, on[? sw]^[ly sw]^ 2 peggets I paid 3is.6d.for· |
27th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing very fresh & cold, some sun shine,but for the most part cloudy & dark, from 6 in the Evening till near 8 it rained for the most part very heavy· |
28th. The Wind S. blowing very fresh & raining hard in the morning & till near 8, afterwards was Sun shiny, fair & drying well all the rest of the day : Pd. 6L. 5s. being the remainder of the money promised for Cleifiog Cattle . |
29th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy dark weather & raining more or less most part of this day also; Pd. 20s. for 5 peggets of Countrey hay seed |
30th. The Wind S. blowing high & stormy before day accompanyd with great showers of hail & Sleet, fair & dry from 6 to i2 when it began to be overcast and to rain moderately from twelvetill 3.but from that time till far in the night it rained prodigious hard· |
3ist. The Wind W. blowing fresh and drying well all this day with a good deal of Sun shine. pd. John Wm. Sion Owen 37s. 4d. for 2peggets of Warrington Potatoes at the rate of i4d a Cibbin ; &pd. Robert Allen 2s for mending the windows. |