November i6th. this being my name day according to the New Style and where I enter on the 62 year of my Age; I pray and beseech the Almighty God to give me his Grace to serve him faithfully, and avoid all imorality and unjust actions · |
17th. The Wind E. calm, Sun shiny.fair & pleasant most part of the day, except a little about i in the Evening it was cloudy & overcast, but was dry all day: Paid Rhŷs Bentir 3s. 6d. for a Side for Mutton . |
18th. The Wind E. very calm, sun shiny fair & pleasant all day: pd. Owen Hughes the Smith’s Bill being 14s. & allowed Wm. Prichd. Sion’s widdow i5s. for a Calf I bought of her, and 8s. 8d. for work done by her late husband— my Servants all this week are carrying Sand, & the day labourers mak[e sw]ing the new hedge. |
19th. The Wind E. calm, sunshiny fair &pleasant all day; some frost on the water, and the ground covered pretty thick with a hoar frost this morning. |
20th. [There is a mark in the margin opposite this entry that looks like a vertical stick with a small aura around it, and a small circle to its right sw] The Wind E. calm, sunshiny fair & pleasant all day, and not very cold— for the time of the year. |
2ist. ❍1[this is written vertically in the margin below '2ist.' sw] The Wind S. S W. blowing very fresh and cold all day, yet continued dry, made some little rain about 7 at night and begun to blow– high which it continued for all, or most part of the night. |
22d. The Wind S. S. W. blowing high and stormy, and raining from– 7 in the morning(and generally very hard ) till near 7 at night: Pd. 7d2/1 for fish. |
23d. The Wind W. and blowing fresh and drying well all day till about 6 in the Evening it came to S.S·W. and rained exceeding hard for most part of the night: pd. is. [1/- sw] for Oysters. |
24th. The Wind S.W. blowing pretty fresh, cloudy and overcast, it blew high all the Evening & night but yet continued without raining – much : pd. Rhŷs Bentir 5s. 6d. fore a side of Veal & a Side of Ordinary Mutton· |
25th. The Wind W. blowing fresh, Sun shiny fair & drying well all day: My people are all this week in the new hedge as before, [the comma is below the 'e' sw] but I have two more this week added to them; My Servants haveing – finished Sanding the two fields in Bodelwyn are employed the rest of the week in carrying home gorse . pd. Wm. Prichd. Parry 6d.for blasting a large Stone that lay across the new ditch· |