●8 [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] January the 17th. The Wind E.N.E. blowing fresh & very cold, & the Sky very clear; and freezing very hard, insomuch as the Ash-hill that my people have been carrying this week past in panniers is become so very hard that a man is employed to dig there in with Pick – Axes & Iron Crows as in a Stone quarry, & carry it aw[ay sw] [the end of the word is lost as the page edge is worn away sw] in great pieces as so many stones. |
18th. The Wind N.E. very calm & serene & moderately warm & thawing gently in the Sun, but it freezed again before Morning . |
19th. The Wind E.N.E. Sun shiny, fair & gently thawing; but it freezed again this night, tho it made some rain or sleet on the fall of night .pd. Richard LLoyd 2s. 6d. for work over & above his rent. |
20th. The Wind N.E. calm, sunshiny & fair, tho it freezed all day in the Shade, and all night; The Parson finished the Sermon to day that he begun the 16th. of last month . |
21st. The Wind N.E. very calm, fair & Sun-shiny, yet freezing all day in the Shade . pd. Abraham Jones 1s. 4d. ye remainder of my Tax towards the repairs of the high way. |
22d. The Wind variable from E. to S.W. & at last settled in N.W. & cold raw weather with some rain in ye Morning. pd. Dr.Evans by his apprentice George Williams 4L.4s. of his Bill. |
23d. The Wind N. very cold, raw weather with a Mizling rain all the Morning, the Evening dry, but dark & cloudy =but freezed in the night, and made a great deal of Snow by Morning |
24th. The Wind N.N.W. Snowing very hard from 7 to 9; the rest of the day fair, but freezing. |
25th. St. Paul. [this is written in the margin immediately below '25th.' sw] The Wind N.N.E. calm, & generally Sun-shiny & clear, but all ye Snow yt fell yesterday still continues, made a small shower of– hail about 2, & snowed very hard about 7 at the Night, & freezed hard all night. a very poor fair to day at LLanerchmedd. |