May 8th. The Wind S. W. blowing pretty moderate, yet cold & raw weather & generally cloudy; it made some showers of rain to day & one heavy shower of Sleet, but very short; about[, sw] 8 it set for raining & I left it raining when I went to bed— about 10 a clock: paid 5d. for fish. |
9th. The Wind S. S.W. blowing fresh & cold attended with showers of rain all the morning frequently; the Evening dry & warm with some Sun Shine: the night was cold & blowing fresh. |
10th. The Wind S.S.W. and very moderate, but cold & chilly all the— morning; the Evening very calm and warm & all the day was Sun shiny and dry: was to day at Cemaes where I bought 22 pieces of round Oak timber containing, z of which contained 82 feet of Solid square feet at 13d. 2/1 a foot & 5 other pieces I bought by the lump for 9s. 6d. and the money I paid for the whole came to 5 pounds 1s. 9d. Pd. 18d. for a quarter of Veal, & 14d. it cost me for the Servants & horses that fetched Ann Wright & her Sister Grace home from Beaumares School. |
iith. The Wind S. blowing moderate, but cold all the morning, yet a very great dew, the Evening calm, warm Sun shiny & fair, To Day I finished sowing Barley: And to day likewise I turned out my Milch Kine to grass. |
12th. The Wind S. very moderate, Sun shiny and warm all day: A very full Market to day at LLanfechell: Paid 3s. 2d. for Butcher's Meat. |
13th. The Wind S. calm & fair & yet no great Sun shine, but sultry and hot generally most part of the day: pd. 8d. forfish that I had to – day and yesterday. |
14th. Whitsunday [this is written in the margin below '14th.' sw] The Wind E. blowing fresh, hot and scorching all day, clear& sun shiny; about 70 persons comunicated [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] here to day; after Evening Prayer I spent 3d. for Ale along with the Priest & ii more of the Parishoners · |
15th. The Wind E. blowing fresh, hot & scorching all day; there was no service to day at LLanfechell occasioned by a foot ball Match played betwixt i2 [there is a line under 'foot … i' sw] of this parish & 12 of LLanbadrick at [there is a line under 'of … at' sw] Cae Maes y Cleifion on the ground of Tyddyn Ronw, but the Goal was so disadvantageously situated, hot after playing above 3 hours neither party could get one Goal, so they agreed to leave off & draw the bets. spent there 6d. for Ale. |