4● [this is written alongside this entry; the black moon has a white mark on it sw] January 9th. The Wind S W. cold & raw dark weather, haveing rained excessive hard before day, it continued dry till night, at which time it rained mighty hard till i0 at night. |
10th. The Wind W. & by S. very cold & raw weather, tho it made but little rain to day, but the wind was high moist & very cold . |
iith. The Wind N. & by W. blowing fresh & very cold, with some little Snow in the Evening, that was soon over, my people all this week plowing at Coydan – |
12th. The Wind S.W. blowing very cold & raw, but made little or no rain till night, but when it begun, it continued raining almost till day. |
13th. The Wind S. very calm, and raining very hard all the morning, the Evening dry, but very cloudy, dark & cold. |
14th. The Wind N.E. fair, dry & pleasant, with some frost, & continued the same till night, where the Wind came to S. W . my people at the plowing work all this week. |
15th. The Wind S. W. Dark, cloudy weather all the - morning, & continuedso all with little or no rain, but the wind cold and raw, |
16th. The Wind W. in the Morning, came afterwards to N.W. haveing rained very hard from ii at night to 9 this morning, the rest of the day fair & pleasant. |
17th. The Wind W. & by S. calm & cloudy all day, but dry, to day my people finished fallowing for Barley, but have a great deal of Oat ground to be plowd yet, which is now too wett. |