April 22d. The Wind N. W. and blowing fresh & exceeding cold all the morning and till 4 in the Evening when the Wind came to S.W. when all at once it became very still and warm- for the rest of the day: Pd. i0d. for a side of poor Lamb & i3d.for a quarter & the head of very poor Veal. |
23d. The Wind N. blowing pretty fresh & very cold in the morning, but Sun shiny, clear & pleasant and drying well all this day; My Servants all this week were plowing for, & sowing barley, they sowed likewise some Oats, but there is a great deal yet unsowed because of the wet- –ness of the ground: finished likewise this week planting all my– Potatoes by the hands of my day labourers haveing planted this year betwixt 3 & 4 peggets of Potatoes. |
24th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh & very cold, the water being freez'd this morning; was dark & cloudy all day & made a good deal of rain from 4 in the Evening till 6, & threatens to make still more rain: Pd. Rolant ’ Bwiliam Rolant ab Robert 6d. for 2 Lobsters· |
25th. The Wind S. in the morning, but calm & raining till 9 when it came to N. about noon & continued dry all the rest of the day. |
26th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, dark, cloudy cold weather all day attended with frequent showers of cold rain for most part of the day, but from 6 in the Evening till 9 it rained very heavy. |
27th. The Wind W. in the morning & blowing very moderate, dark foggy weather all the morning & till 3 in the Evening when the wind came to S. W. was Sun shiny , fair & warm [the rest of sw] ye day |
28th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, sun shiny, fair & drying well all this day Paid Hugh Jones a Denbigh Man 2s. 6d. for some preparation of poyson that he laid in the way of the Norway Rats in order to destroy them· |
29th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark in the morning till i0 when it cleared up & was sun shiny & fair & drying well all the rest of the day; Pd. John ’ Bwiliam Lewis 3s. 6d. for a hogshead I bought of hîm, Pd. John Thos. 9d. for a quarter of an ounce of Cauly flower seeds,pd. Shadrack is. 2d. for a Side of Lamb, & pd. Rhys bentir is. 6d. for a quarter of Veal & the head . in all 6s. iid. |
30th. The Wind S. blowing fresh and for the most part cloudy & dark but made no rain: My people all this week when the weather permitted were plowing for & sowing barley, except 2days they sowed and harrowed the Oats . |