April i3th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh, some sunshine, but generally cloudy and dark & cold raw weather. |
i4th. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh and very cold, & raining exceed – ing hard about 5 this morning, yet the rest of the day was dry. Paid Owen Hughes the Smith ’s bill, being iL. is. i0d. – |
i5th. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh and very cold, but dry and for the most part of this day sun shiny: So Remarkable has this Season been above any in the memory of the oldest person that the dearth & scarcity is not onely in Corn but in every other eatables, in somuch that to this day there has not been seen at LLanfechell Market neither Veal nor Lamb that is really fit to be used. |
i6th. The Wind E. N.E. blowing very moderate, and for the most part Sun — shiny & fair and dry all this day, but a very great hoar frost this morn –ing as there was yesterday morning, & frost on the Water this day: The ground I have to sow Oats in being not dry & fit for harrowing, My people most part of this week ^were^ |
i7th. The Wind E. blowing pretty fresh, Sun shiny fair & dry this day till 5 in the Evening when it begun to rain, and made very great– rain from that time till 8 or 9 at night; the New Priest read morning & Evening Service this day, & read the 39 Articles and – declared his Assent & consent to them & to the Comon [there is a curlicue over the 'm' sw] Prayer, & preached on Mat: Chap 28th. verse i3th. |
i8th. ●1 [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i8th.' sw] The Wind S. S. W. blowing pretty fresh; generally cloudy & dark with very little Sun Shine but drying pretty well— all this day and made I believe no rain at all neither in the day nor night. |
i9th. The Wind variable all this day, from E. in the morning to W. & N. W. in the Evening, and likewise very warm and accompanyed with fine showers frequently till 3 in the Evening & the rest of the day dry and blowing very cold: To Day I saw the first Swallow this year. |
20th. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh and very cold & raining all the — morning & often very hard with feathered snow about ii ,the Evening was dry, but very cold, gave is. to a very poor woman of LLanbadrick to help her towards paying for her house· |
2ist. The Wind E.N.E. blowing very fresh & extream cold all day & especially in the Evening and attended with some |