24th. ofFebr. The Wind S.W. very cold & raw weather, but made no rain to day – |
25th.❍ 11 [this is written in the margin immediately below '25th.' sw ]The Wind S. blowing high & cold, the ground mighty wet no plowing, nor harrowing in this part of the Countrey, planted a great many Poplar slips and Cuttings to raise a new plantation of those Trees–
26th. The Wind S. very cold raw weather all the Day about 6 in the Evening it begun to rain, & rained very hard I believe all, or most part of the Night. |
27th. The W.S.S.W. rained intollarably all ye Morning till 8. then fair & sun shiny & the Wind high. rained again & Sleeted three or 4 times before night. |
28th. The Wind S.W. cold & dry without any rain this day, a pretty good Market at LLanvechell bought a Peck of Beans for 6d. & a Quarter of small veal for 6d. |
March 1st. The Wind E. very still & calm warm weather but cloudy & overcast, rained from 10 to 12 in the Morning a still [rain sw] fair the rest of the Day, sowed some Beans to day in the Orchard |
2d. The Wind varying all day, & moreover dark & cloudy & something raw, about the fall of night it begun to rain, & rained I believe all or most part of the Night spent 3d. for ale this day —— |
3d. The Wind W. very dark & cloudy but calm still weather dug the gardens and sowed more beans to day, had the little Garden dug, & raised in high Ridges to dry – |
4th. The Wind E. very calm, warm & cloudy, sowed more Beans to day, prepared, & planted some Rasberrys– |
5th. The Wind S.W dark & cloudy in the Morning, betwixt 8 & 9 it begun to rain, & rained incessantly all day long, & I am sure most, if not all night. |