June ist. The Wind E.N.E. blowing fresh & very scorching and dry, the mornings of all the days this week last past were dark and cloudy, and Evening Sun Shiny and hot· |
2d. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark in the morning, and the Evening Sun shiny and hot & very scorching; Pd. Rhŷs Bentir i8d. for a quarter of Veal and the head. |
3d. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark in the morning till 9 — and the rest of the day was Sun shiny hot & scorching: My people all this week were makeing up the hedge about the little hay field near the Barn at Coydan· |
4th. The Wind S. blowing pretty fresh, cloudy and dark, and made fine — warm rain from 4 in the Evening till near 7 . The Curate of LLanrhudd – lad preached here on Deut: Chap: 30th. verse i9th. |
5th. ● 9 [this is written vertically in the margin below '5th.' sw] The Wind [there is a line through the 'ind' but I don't think it is a deliberate crossing out so I haven't transcribed it as a crossing out sw] S. blowing pretty fresh , dark, cloudy weather all the morning and some rain about sun rise, the rest of the day was dry & generally Sun shiny, but grew very cold in the Evening for the time of the year — Executed this day a Lease for the term of i5 years to Hugh Lewis upon Tyddŷn LLwchan at 4L. a year rent free of all [? sw] and to comence at last Allsts. Pd. Wm. Bevan 3s. more for work. |
6th. The Wind S.S.W. blowing moderate, some sun shine, but generally cloudy and dark & tho it threatened rain, it made little or nothing: Pd. 7d. for wooden bowls of the Turnery ware. [wooden, turned, household items sw] |
7th. The Wind S. blowing high, Sun shiny, hot and scorching all day — it made a little rain about sun rise, but it was soon over. |
8th. The Wind S. blowing high, hot and scorching all day and for the most part it was sun shiny . |
9th. The Wind S. calm, some sun shine, but ^the^ greatest part of this day was cloudy and dark, yet made no rain and was all day very hot and sultry : Paid John Owen 5s. for cleaning the 2 clocks ,and pd. Rhŷs Bentir is. 6d. for a quarter of Veal and the head . |
i0th. The Wind S. blowing high and generally dark & cloudy weather for the most part of the day except 3 or 4 hours in the Evening: My people all this week ( but this day ) were plowing the Pinfold at Coydan, & to day they are carrying the Turf a shore from the turbary: Paid Robert Owen i4s. being the remainder of his last winter's wages. |
iith. The Wind S. blowing very fresh, hot & sultry, yet made a small shower about i2 but was over in 2 minutes: The Parson Priest preached on Ecclesiastes Chapi2th verse ist. gave is. [1/- sw] to a Collection for a poor family inLLanfaethly. |
12th. The Wind W. blowing moderate, yet hot & sultry, Sun shiny and dry all day· |