August i6th. The Wind N.W. very calm, Sun Shiny fair & hot all this day; but the dew that fell last night was so great, that it was not dryed till ii a clock : bought of Rhys a quarter of Mutton for 2s. |
i7th. The Wind N.E. blowing very moderate, Sun shiny, fair & dry all this day also: bought of Rhys bentir a quarter of Veal & the head for 20d. |
i8th. 9● [this is written vertically below 'i8th.' sw] The Wind N.E. calm sun shiny, fair & very warm & sultry all this day : most part of the Evening was cloudy, yet it continued dry, & was exceeding sultry. |
i9th. The Wind N. E. very calm all this day also, sun shiny and very hot & Sultry all this day through out: To day I begun to make my upland hay into stacks: And this day likewise I finished mowing my hay. |
20th. The Wind E. very calm all the morning, Sun Shiny and ex– ceeding hot; the Wind blew pretty fresh in the Evening which was a great refreshing to my people that were carrying the hay and makeing the stack . |
2ist. The Wind E. blowing very moderate, Sunshiny fair & very warm all day; The Market to day at LLanerchymedd was much lowered than the week before and very full. |
22d. The Wind S. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark but very warm and continued dry all day. |
23d. The Wind S. and blowing moderate, cloudy & overcast for some part of the day & some small rain about i0, but generally it was Sun shiny warm and dry: bought of Rhys Bentir a quarter of mutton for i6d. a quarter of Veal & the head for i6d. |