❍6 1/2 [this is written vertically in the margin opposite this entry sw] April 17th. The Wind blowing fresh and cold from W. & by S. and made some rain early in the morning; the rest of the day was dry, but cloudy and dark: A Scotsman being drowned on Lavan Sands last Winter, by the ferrymen's refus ing or neglecting to go for him ^two of^ the Said ferry men on the morrow went in quest of the Corps, tore out his pockets, stole his money,and afterwards finding his Box and Pack, carryed them also away & hid them in the Point under gravel & T[ang sw], [Nesta Evans gives 'Tang'; the etymology of 'tang' in the Collins dictionary is related to the Old Norse word for a spit or a point sw] which some of the Town's people observing; four of them, 2 Sailors & 2 ship wrights went there in the night, took them up, and shared them amongst them & two or 3 more of the confederacy: The Town Magistrates and the Neighbouring Countrey Justices haveing either neglected or refused to take proper examinations, & to secure the Criminals The Judges of the Circuit,(Viz) Mr. Taylor Whyte & the booby Rogers Holland sent forMr.Lewis & myself and press[' sw]d [Nesta Evans gives 'press'd' sw] it upon us that we should take the Examinations of such people as should be brought to us by the Sollicitor of the prosecutor, All the Criminals were of the Borrough of Beaumares; and the Constables of the Borrough took them up and brought them before us, which took up all our– time for the most part of 3 days. Pd. to day is. [1/- sw] for gloves. |
i8th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & cold and raining hard for – most part of the day; paid 3s.6d. for my meat & drink this day and yesterday. |
i9th. The Wind S.W. blowing high and cold with some sun shine and continued dry all this day: Executed the Deed that lead the Uses of a Recovery that is to be Arraigned too morrow: paid to day is. 6d. for meat & drink at my lodging. |
20th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & dry till 3 inthe Evening when it made some showers: My recovery was arraingned in this morning Court: & in the same morning Court was tryed an Ejectment agst. Mr. Bodvell by Sr. Nic: Bayley before the booby Holland;(White the other Judge being gone off early this morning) which went against Mr. Bodvell, which in ^most people's^ |
2ist. The Wind S. W. blowing very fresh with some little rain in ye morning the rest of the day was dry & generally Sunshiny: Paid to Day Mr.— Wm. Prichd.'s Bill that drew the Deeds & managed every thing that concern'd the Recovery, which was 2i pounds 12s. 6d. Fourteen pounds of which was paid as the King's silver for compounding, [there is a line over the 'm' sw] the rest for drawing the Deeds & fees for the Officers of the Court.pd. likewise for my Servant & horses i2s. gave the Servants of the house 2s. & to ye barber 2s. Set out from Town half an hour after 10 & was at home before 3 in the Evening haveing Pd. 2d. for Ale &c at Bwlch gwynn · |