April 3d. The Wind E. blowing fresh and pretty cold; Set out from LLysdulas about ii, came to Porthaethwy about 2 in the Evening where we baited (viz ) My Brother Lewis, Mr. Tho. Meyrick & my Self, Pd. there 1s. 6d. & 6d. to the Ferry men, the Wind came to S. E. in the Evening & rained hard, and we were much wetted when we came to Carnarvon which was about Six. |
4th. The Wind S. S. E. calm, & makeing frequent showers of rain morning & Evening. pd. 2s. for meat & drink this day, & went to bed betimes this night· |
5th. The Wind S. W. very calm, dark & cloudy weather, with some showers in the morning, & rained hard in the Evening; the late Sherriff of Carnarvon shire haveing not returned ye Record[are sw] (whereby the Action in replevin [an action seeking return of personal property wrongfully taken or held by the defendant sw] was removed to ye Great Sessions ) till this day, that cause could not be tryed this Sessions. Paid 2s. for meat & drink this day, and was in bed by 9 . |
6th. i.● [this is written vertically in the margin below '6th.' sw] The Wind E. & by N. blowing fresh and very cold, but dry, and generally Sun Shiny; Paid 3s. 6d for Druggs at One Williams an Appothecary newly set up at Carnarvon— & pd. 2s. for meat & drink: The Actions for Arrears of Rent brought by my Mother the last Sessions at Carnarvon against her Tenant Wm. Humphrey could not be brought to Tryall – this Sessions by reason of Ambrose ^Lewis's^ zzzher blunders who was concerned for her as her Attorney. |
7th. The Wind E. blowing fresh, Sun Shiny, fair & dry; To day we set out from hence for Beaumares Sessions, haveing cleared our Inn & our Lodgings, haveing Pd. at the former 7s. 3d. for my Man and horses, & pd. 3s. 6d. for my lodgings, pd. the Barber is. [1/- sw] & pd. the widdow of Parry the Appothecary 2s. 10d. pd. 6d. at Breakfast, & 6d. at Porthaethwy Ferry & came to Beaumares by 4, & attended the Court in the calling of the Nomina Ministrorum. |
8th. The Wind E. very moderate, Sun shiny fair & dry; Dined & drank at my lodging this day where it cost me 2s. 6d. |