September i9th. The Wind S. calm, and cloudy dark weather but dry and warm all Day and my people were makeing – Corn this day likewise · |
20th. The Wind S. E. calm & generally Sun Shiny but warm & dry all day: To Day I finished reaping all the Corn: paid Marged uch huw Morus 2s. 2d2/1 for a Side of Mutton. |
2ist. The Wind E. & by S. very Calm & for the most part Sun - shiny and very hot, but dry all day: my people to day- were carrying hay from Bodelwyn to Coydan . |
22d. The Wind E. & by S. calm, cloudy & dark for the most part, but dry and very warm all this day : The Priest preached on John Chap: 6th. and the 67. & 68th. verses · |
23d. The Wind E . S. E . very calm, cloudy & overcast all the morning till i0 when the Sun begun to appear, and the ground very wet from the great dew that fell last night; the rest of the day was sun shiny warm, fair and dry. |
24th. The Wind E. N. E . very calm, Sun shiny,fair, clear & warm all this day, and a very great dew on the ground this morning. |
25th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark for ye most part of this day, & rained pretty heavy in the morning about 5 – & made some small rain afterwards : pd. iid. for a Pad lock – for Coydan Barn . |
26th. The Wind S. blowing pretty fresh with a small matter of small mizling rain about 6 in the morning; all the rest of the day was dry, but cloudy & dark ; My people are this day binding my Great Oats being the last remaining corn I have left. |
27th. The Wind S. in the early morning & raining very hard from i in the morning till 3 which brought the wind to W & & by N. & blew fresh & dryed well all day: pd. Marged uch Huw Morus is. 4d. for a Calf's head & a quarter of Veal: & bought of Rhŷs a quarter of Mutton for is. 3d |