Thus Ended the Year 1734. A Year remarkable for a great deal of Crosses and Afflictions which I mett with, both from my Children's behaviour, and the Unkind Usage I – met with from those false friends that I expected would never forsake me, and now in my Aflictions, and under all my misfortunes am I Abandoned by them, which shall be a lesson to me not to engage to far in frienship with some people; this year was also remarkable for the Executors of French (who built the Light house in the Skerries in 1716) succeeding at last in obtaining an Act of Parliament to oblige all Ships coming within sight of the light to pay Tunnage, wherein was a clause to confirm Mr. Robinson's Tithe to the Same, which before was precarious —
March 25th 1735 The Wind E. a clear fine pleasant Morning, about noon it begun to be very cold & cloudy, & continued so without raining till night. This day I had an acct that the Sessions begins iith. of April at Dolgelli. & being obliedged to go to Dublin before that time to trans- -act buisness. & likewise to put in my Answer to Lewis of Trysclwyn's bill before that day, I am obliedged to set out to morrow for Dublin, and God Almighty be my Director and Protector. Sent to day to Tho. Bryan the ££erchmedd a pegget & half of Barley sold him for 15s. 6d. a pegget. |
26th. The Wind W.N.W. dark & cloudy & some showers, set out for the head about 7, & being obliged to go about, we did not arive there till 12. in ye forenoon. paid ye Custom house fees for searching my Portmantua 2s. pd. 6d for carrying it ashore pd. in the house 10s. Set sail at 9 in ye Evening, very calm all ye Night. pd to Old Nowland 3s 6d. for 2 Cotton Night Caps and a woolen knit Cap |
27th 11 ❍ [this is written in the margin immediately below '27th' sw]
The Wind N.W. very cold about ii in ye forenoon we came within sight of the Hill of Hoath, came to ye bay at 4 in ye Evening, & was near ∎8 before we landed at Rings End–