March 27th. Paid Quilho the Master of the Packet boat 1L. 1s. for our– passage, gave the Cabbin boy 6d. pd the boatman that carryed us from the Ship to Ring's End 1s. Spent at Ring's End in staying for a Coach 11d. pd for a Coa<c>h to Dublin 2s. 10s. [probably means 2s. 10d. sw] ’twas near 11 at Night when we came to Dublin, my Poor Daughter being mightily tired & almost starved with cold.
28th. The Wind N.W. a Dark dirty day from morning to night pd. 2d for Ale. |
29th. The Wind S.W. dark & cloudy yet dry, pd 5d2/1 for Ale in Bride Street. |
30th. The Wind S.S.W. fair & Sun Shiny all day, rained hard all or most part of the Night. |
31st. The Wind N.W. a Dull dark & cold day rained again this night– |
April 1st. The Wind W.S.W. bought this day a pair of Shooe Buckles, cost 11s. 6d & a pair of knee Buckles for 6s. pd.1s. for 6 pencills, & 6d for an ounce & half of Spanish Snuff. went with Mr. Wm. Parry to the King's Park called Phœnix about half a mile from the Town, where Mr. Ben. Parry hath a Lodge, being one of the Keepers, returned from thence & dined with Mr. Owen Lewis the Surgeon at his lodgings in Stephen's Hospital. |
2d. The Wind W.S.W. a clear day, was at Dublin Market, over the Water, a very great plenty both of Fish of all sorts, as likewise Flesh & Fowl. Beef very Dear, the best pieces sold for 3d a pound, 1 a clock in the Evening had notice of the Prince Fredrick Packet being to go over that Evening, came to my Lodging in a hurry packed up my things to be gone, my poor Child crying that she was forced to leave me at so short a Warning, delivered Mr Parry 40 Guineas to be laid out on her occasions, pd 9l. 8s. Rent to Mr. Parry that I had receed for his land in Pyllcrach. pd him likewise 6L. 7s. 7d.2/1 for Da Wms. of Beaumares, parted With my Dear Child with tears, in both our Eyes, took a Coach half an hour past 2 in ye Evening, came to George's Key; pd 1s. for small bowl of Punch, took |
3d. The Wind E.S.E. weighed Anchor at 4 in Morning, sailed all that day against the Wind, made very little way being not above 7 leagues from the Irish Shore by Night, the Wind continuing E. sometimes N.E. all ye night, I am at this time heartily tired of my Voyage, but not sick. |
4th. The Wind due E. the Old crazy Ship stretching the 6 hours Ebb to the N. & the 6 hours flood to ye S. to gain 2 leagues in a Tide, before night we were got within 4 or 5 leagues of the head, but about sun set, a great storm arose & blew Easterly all the night. & by the morning we were drove back again in sight of the Irish Shore, could not rest for the Noise aboard all the Night. the Master at last resolved to give over any further Attempts |