April i7th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate, yet cold, - cloudy dark weather and raining most part of ye morning; the Evening was dry & Sun Shiny: i08 persons comunicated [there is a cupped line over the 'm' sw] here this day. Pd. Harry the driver 5s. more of his winter's wages. |
i8th. Easter Day [this is written in the margin below 'i8th.' sw] The Wind N. E. blowing very moderate, yet very cold with a misling rain in the morning till 9, & haveing rained hard last night, the Evening was dry, but generally cloudy & dark: i83_ persons communicated here this day: gave 2s. 6d. to a collection for a poor sick family · |
i9th. The Wind E. blowing moderate, yet cold, but sunshiny fair and- pleasant all the Morning ; about 2 in the Evening it made very heavy rain & hail but did not last half an hour: Paid 7s. 10d. _ Church Mise for my lands in this parish at 2d. a pound. |
20th. The Wind N.E. blowing moderate, yet cold cloudy & dark & a - good deal of rain from i0 to ii, the Evening was dry & generally Sun Shiny: gave is. [1/- sw] charity towards burying a poor woman. |
2ist. The Wind W. blowing very moderate, warm and pleasant, & for the most part Sun shiny & fair, but dry all this day. |
22d. The Wind N.W. blowing fresh, Sunshiny fair & drying well all this day. |
23d. The Wind W. S. W. blowing moderate, sunshiny fair & clear all the morning, but rained hard this Evening from 2 to 4: Sold 8 Bullocks out of the Cowhouse in Coydan that with the other dry Cattle there had been fodered onely with straw and some share of the course meadow hay there,I sold them I say to Robert Hughes the Son of Hugh ’ Probert Rolant for 54L. i5s into my hand : Pd. Rhys Bentir is. 2d. for a Side of Lamb· |
24th. The Wind W. blowing moderate & for the most part Sun shiny but dry all this day : Pd. John Ellis Griffith 4s. for labouring work. |
25th. The Wind W. blowing fresh, Sun shiny, fair & dry, but cold in the morning; about noon it grew cloudy & overcast; about 3 I set out for LLysdulas in my way to Beaumares to keep the Quarter Sessions; and came there about 5 · |
26th. The Wind N. blowing fresh and very cold all day but dry: Set out for Beaumares about 4 in the Evening and arived there before 7. |
27th. The Wind W. blowing moderate cloudy, dark & cold yet dry; kept ye quarter sessions this day & finished all ye buisness in the Evening court: gave 6d. to the Cry[e sw]r· |