June 26th. The Wind E. calm & very sultry, about 2 in the Morning it rained excessive hard, which continued till very near 6. about 11 it thundered and begun to rain again, which it continued |
27th. The Wind N.E. calm & very sultry with some small rain in the morning, it cleared up about 10 and the Sun shine bright and warm the rest of the day. The Parson preached on Psalm 37th. and the last part of the 17th. together with the whole 18th. verse. |
28th. The Wind S.W. makeing frequent showers of mizling rain in the morning, with some sun shine, the Evening generally dark and cloudy, but made no rain. About 10 last night my Servant George Warmingham dyed, he went yesterday about 5 in the Evening to a Wedding at Clygyrog, fought there with one Richard Mathew(the Son of Mathew Côch a — Denbighshire runagade) servant at Rydgroes , and received such inward bruises, that returning home by 7 he went to bed & dyed in great agonies about 10. |
29th. The Wind S. W. cloudy & Sun shine by turns, yet continued dry all day . I was all this day almost takeing the Examination of Wittnesses about that unfortunate buisness, & takeing their Recognizances [Nesta Evans gives 'Recognisences' sw] to appear & give Evidince [Nesta Evans gives 'Evidence' sw] at ye next Gr. Sessions The Coroner's Inquest sa[? sw]e [Nesta Evans gives 'sate' sw] on the body & brought their Verdict Manslaughter. |