August 21st. The Wind E. in ye Morning; came to S W. in the Evening; hot, Sultry and dry all day: Made to day a Stack of Barley containing 330 shocks. pd. into ye hands of Owen Bedlar 2s. 6d. to be delivered Mr. L. Morris to send to Dublin to buy me 20 pound of fine Wheat flo[u sw]er. delivered him likewise 1s. to buy me 2 loafs of Irish bread. |
22d. The Wind S.W. about i this morning it rained a heavy shower, another at break of day, & some rain afterwards about 7 in the morning, all which very little wetted ye Corn in the Shocks; and I carryed and made into a Stack 324 shocks of great Oats . Pd. Shadrack ye Butcher 2s. 2d. for a Side of mutton; pd. !s. 6d. for 6 Ducks, & gave 2d. to ye parsons maid yt Was here 2 days carrying corn. |
23d. The Wind S.W. blowing fair & fresh all day. The Parson preached on Rom: Chap. 13th. vers. 13th. rained pretty hard in the morning & till near 8.a clock. |
24th. The Wind full E. blowing fresh, yet very hott & Sultry; my people to day went to Cnewchdernog to carry in the Corn which grew there, being 229 shocks of very fine, pure barley, 36 shocks of Rye, 5 shocks of March Wheat, 9 of Winter Wheat 80 of small Oats, & 25 of Great Oats, being in all 384 Shocks, all which they got in by night. |
25th. The Wind E. & by N. blowing fresh, sun-shiny & fair, my people all this ^day^ are reaping small oats & some barley in the Evening. |
26th. The Wind E . & by N. sunshiny & fair all day; To day my people finished reaping, & bound one field of Barley, &somesmall Oats in the Evening . pd. 6d. for an Irish loaf. |